At the Market of Nya Non

Milarepa-listeningHow pitiful are sentient beings in samsara!

Looking upward to the Path of Liberation,

how can one feel other than sorrow for those who do harm?

How foolish and sad it is to indulge in killing,

when by karma and good fortune one has human form.


How sad it is to do an act that, in the end, will hurt oneself.

How sad it is to build a wicked wall of meat,

made of one’s dying parents flesh?


How sad it is to see meat eaten and blood flowing!

How sad it is to know confusion and delusion fill the minds of men.


How sad it is to find but vice, not love, in people’s hearts.

How sad it is to see that blindness veils all beings

who cherish their vile deeds.

—Milarepa, at the market of Nya Non

About Tashi Nyima

Venerable Tashi Nyima is the Preceptor at Nying Je Ling (Universal Compassion Buddhist Congregation).
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5 Responses to At the Market of Nya Non

  1. Pingback: At the Market of Nya Non | Zen Flash

  2. Eric woody says:

    What do you think of eating meat as a part of tsog

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