Do It Now!

We came into the world without relatives, friends, or companions. We may have many friends and acquaintances at the moment, and perhaps many enemies too, but as soon as death falls upon us we shall leave all of them behind, like a hair pulled out of a slab of butter. Not one of our friends and relatives will be able to help us; we have no choice but to face death all alone.

This body of ours, which finds even the pain of a pinprick or a tiny spark of fire really hard to bear, is going to experience death. This body of ours, which we cherish so dearly, will turn into a corpse that our friends and relatives will only want to dispose of as quickly as possible.

If you think you will practice later when you have more free time, when you are older, or when you find a more suitable place, you may never get down to practicing at all. As Padampa Sangye said: “If you wait till you’re no longer busy, you’ll never get around to the Dharma; the moment you think of it, quick, do it!” So, to do something really useful with whatever time may be left before we die, we must turn to the Dharma.

𑁋Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

About Tashi Nyima

Venerable Tashi Nyima is the Preceptor at Nying Je Ling (Universal Compassion Buddhist Congregation).
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